Preschool Bullying Know The Signs & Solutions

The term “bullying” refers to when children intentionally and repeatedly hurt each other. Children can be teasing, leaving others out, acting physically aggressively, and saying mean things at preschool. In preschool, children spend more time with others and learn to make friends so that bullying can disrupt their development. To prevent bullies from hurting your child, your child requires a lot of love and support both at home and preschool. It would be best to let your child know that you will do everything you can to prevent bullying from happening again.

What is bullying?

The three common characteristics of bullying are intent, repetition, and power. A bully causes pain repeatedly, either physically or verbally, by hurtful words or behavior. Generally, physical bullying is more common among boys, while psychological bullying is more common among girls. Physical and mental abuse are not isolated incidents of bullying. 

The children who bully are usually bigger, stronger, or considered more popular than others or have a perceived position of power. Victims are more likely to be bullied by others in their position of power. The majority of these children are from marginalized communities, come from low-income families, identify as LGBT, have disabilities, or come from migrant or refugee communities. 

Cyberbullying and face-to-face bullying both occur. Children often engage in cyberbullying on social media, mobile devices, text messages, instant messages, and any other online platform where they communicate. It can be challenging to tell when your child is in danger on these platforms since parents are not always aware of what their children are doing.

Types of Pre-School Bullying?

  1. Physical: By biting, striking, kicking, destroying others’ work, and taking their toys.
  2. Verbal: Harassment (“cry baby”), name-calling, and teasing with harm or threats.
  3. Social: Withholding belongings (“You can’t play with us”), withdrawing friendships (“I’ll stop being your friend”), or damaging friendships (“I’ll tell Ashley not to invite you to her party”).

7 Silent Signs Your Child Is Being Bullied

A reluctance to go to school in the morning

Since school is such a hot spot for bullying, a child’s unwillingness to get out of bed and go to school could suggest trouble is brewing. Look for children who constantly complain about aches and pains or ask for an early pick-up from the school nurse. 

Monitoring attendance is crucial with adolescents and teens since this age group is more likely to skip school altogether. Monday is usually the day when students want to avoid school. Having to go back on Monday isn’t easy for kids on weekends. This is one way some teachers decided to end bullying in their classrooms.

A change in friendships

It is possible for bullying to cause adolescent and teen girls to lose or change their friends. A lack of interest in spending time with friends can also indicate bullying among friends, says Clark-Love. Kids often don’t recognize bullying in ‘mean girls’ groups, and parents can stay on top of these shifts by connecting with their child’s group of friends. So you’ll be more aware if a child is not invited to events or birthday parties. Find out the teachers of the secret knowledge about your kids that you don’t.

Troubled sleep

Children who are anxious or nervous about what might happen at school or elsewhere the next day may have trouble falling asleep or toss and turn as they try to get to sleep. Those signs could mean a child is having trouble sleeping at night, says Lindgren, if a child seems more tired at breakfast or looks worn out. Other signs of exhaustion include an inability to focus and maintain proper hygiene, signs of anything from bullying to depression.

Crying spells or intense emotional reactions

It may be a sign they are harboring anxiety about school or social activities if they react with intense emotions to conversations. Clark-Love says young children tend to focus on school-related discussions. As a result, high school students tend to become more emotional about Friday and Saturday evenings. 

On either hand, you will notice a whirlwind of emotion or a reluctance to discuss the subject. Make sure your child knows these tips from teachers to help them prepare for the first day back at school.

Not wanting to interact with the family.

Those things to keep an eye out for could include a child who is not talking as much as usual or going straight into their room after school. A prolonged bullying victim may also act out toward their siblings; in some cases, this could signify a dropped “victim stance” and a need to be reactive toward other children.

Obsession or withdrawal from devices

When a child is bullied online, there may be two consequences: an over-attachment to technology or a complete withdrawal from it. It could become agitated if you try and limit the child’s use if it is the former. It might be challenging to track the child down (because they have cut off contact with their devices). When setting up an account on social networks, Lindgren recommends establishing guidelines for children. 

For fear of having their devices taken away, she says some children might be reluctant to report cyberbullying to adults. Rather than taking away these devices, you should demonstrate that you wish to help solve the problem.

Torn clothing and physical marks

Bullying is characterized by clothing and belongings that are inexplicably torn, ruined, or stolen, as well as physical scrapes and bruises. Parents usually ask these questions, but children can’t explain them well or don’t want to explain them. Ask open-ended questions: “What happened at recess”; “How did that make you feel?”.

Bullying Your Child? Here’s What You Should Do:

  • Make sure that they know it is okay to tell you if they are being bullied
  • If possible, document the dates and offenses of bullying your child has faced
  • Should you have any concerns about a school, you should contact the school
  • Find out how you can prevent bullying by working together
  • You can help your child keep their friends accountable by making “deals” with them. The other will also stick up for the bullied friend and vice versa if one is being bullied.

The following tips will prevent your child from becoming a bully:

  • It is possible for bullies to be raised in a chaotic and abusive family, but not always. It is less likely that your child will bully other students if they live in a safe and stable family situation.
  • Be serious about bullying – Don’t make fun of children who bully others. Parents influence their children’s behavior.
  • You will have fewer children who bully their peers if you teach them to treat them with respect and encourage good behavior.
  • It’s important to let them express themselves – Children who can’t express their true feelings usually become bullies. Your child can be discouraged from taking out their emotions on others by sharing their feelings and communicating them to you.
  • A therapy session can help your child if she is already exhibiting bullying behaviors. A therapist can reach the root of your child’s problems and provide a safe space for them to speak.


You can be devastated when you learn that your child has been bullied or is being bullied. Many emotions will indeed swirl around you, and perhaps you will blame yourself in some way. You can help prevent these things from happening by taking specific actions. When it comes to dealing with instances of bullying, schools are more aware and supportive than ever before. You should teach your children to respect themselves and others from an early age. It would help if you taught them the values of good conduct. Support and empathize with your child as a parent. Show them the way by spending time with them. Young, innocent eyes and ears are not easily misled.

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