Why do Toddlers Sleep on Their Knees?

The first few months of your baby’s life should be spent ensuring that your baby will sleep on its back. Therefore, it will appear strange or even alarming if your baby wants to sleep on her knees with her butts in the air for the next few months. When your baby can sit up and crawl, you might notice that they might fall asleep more often on their knees once they can do a couple of things. 

Some people might even wake up in the morning to find that while they were lying on their backs, though you might have put them to bed that way. As a result, many babies sleep in the frog position, or the kneeling position, between six and twelve months. Usually, your baby will stop sleeping this way when they can walk, which is often around the age of three months old. You may have a lot of questions in your mind about why babies do this and if you need to feel concerned at this time.

4 Common Reasons: Why Do Toddlers Sleep On Their Knees?

We raise our children because their legs are curled under them, so they will enjoy sleeping that way after they are born. Having their legs bent under them mimics sleeping in the womb.


There’s a good chance that you’ve tried out a yoga pose called the “child’s pose.” This is almost exactly like how a child sleeps with their bum in the air while they’re asleep. The pose is widely regarded as one of the most beneficial poses in the yoga world for what it does for your body and brain. 

Taking this therapeutic position helps you relax as it calms and centres your mind, thereby helping you reduce stress. This position allows a little child’s body to release the tension they have absorbed during the day. As it is followed by deep breathing, it promotes more oxygen and blood circulation, restoring energy and allowing the body to function at its peak.

Reminds Them Of The Womb

It was only a matter of time before your little lovebug was tuckered out, lying with his elbows tucked under his chin and his knees pulled up under him. He was probably dreaming of one of his favourite places—the womb. Even if they are still in the process of developing their personalities, they may have spent more time curled up inside than outside so far. 

There is such a thing as muscle memory, and it has to do with the fact that the infants grew up being bundled up inside mom’s tummy for nine months. Therefore, they were able to adopt an expression that resembles a frog. We all move the way we feel comfortable, so how do we know appropriate movements? Some stand up straight and place their hands on their hips; they are not trying to look authoritative; it could simply be a matter of feeling most natural when they stand up straight, which could be important to your kids. 

Often, when adults think of cross-legged sitting on the floor, they can’t imagine how they would feel. In addition, as we age, our body form becomes less flexible, or we become too large for this. There is no doubt that as they continue to grow, we are likely to witness a variety of funny positions due to the fact that infant bodies are much more malleable than ours.

Learning How To Crawl

Nine months of being surrounded inside a belly can cause a newborn’s muscles to be so tight that they cannot stretch. However, with age, the muscles of your child will stretch. They will eventually sprawl out in positions that seem more similar to adult positions as they grow and mature. While they wait, they’ll assume an inferior position that they’re comfortable with. 

Additionally, your munchkin’s pose when they’re fast asleep with their bum in the air is the same pose they make when learning to crawl. It’s not uncommon for your child to be on the floor with their arms folded underneath him as they get ready to crawl, rocking side to side until they figure out how to move forward. Their bodies will change as they grow, allowing them to crawl and walk in response to growth spur development.

It Feels Like Being Held

When you’re used to cuddling or rocking your baby to sleep, your baby will likely rest on the floor on their knees. While holding or cuddling them, their legs underneath may feel like their hands are squeezing them. The first time your baby begins to sleep on their knees, this may indicate that they are old enough to start crawling and moving independently. Additionally, we do not have to watch them while they sleep to make sure they are sleeping on their backs.

F.A.Q.s on Why do Toddlers Sleep on Their Knees

Is it normal for toddlers to sleep on their knees?

A toddler sleeps on their knees because it’s normal. Other children may prefer to curl up in a ball. Infants have been known to sleep with the bottom of their bodies in the air, folded upon their hands and knees. Although a few positions might indicate a problem, there are still others.

Is It Ok For A 1-Year-Old Sleeping On Knees?

The sleeping position of a one-year-old baby on their knees is perfectly normal. The baby is in the fetal position when sleeping. It is not harmful to children because they outgrow it by 4-5 years old. Babies prefer to be in this position because it feels safe, cozy, and comfortable. Do not worry about your baby sleeping this way, and let them do what they like. 
To give your baby the best chance of sleeping through the night, teach them to fall asleep on their own, sleep in their bed, fall asleep again if they wake up, and teach them good sleeping habits. You should always place your baby on their back rather than on their stomach or side, as recommended by the American Academy of Pediatrics.

Should I Keep Flipping My Baby Onto Their Back?

As soon as your baby turns over on their own, you do not need to flip them onto their back. It’s an indication they’re getting stronger when they sleep on their side or tummy. Then, once they have their mobility, they will push up on their own or around to their back. The physical practice of moving independently is fundamental to your baby’s development. When you put your baby to bed, you should place them on their backs since that’s the safest position for them to sleep in, reducing SIDS risk.

Is It Dangerous For Babies To Sleep With Their Bum In The Air?

Once your child has learned to turn over on their own, you will no longer need to worry about managing how they sleep since they will be able to choose the positions, they prefer for themselves. While sleeping, kids may find themselves in various funny positions, which is entirely reasonable. 
They can then transition to sleeping in a sleep sack once they can move, which means they are no longer swaddled. When our children reach this stage and become independent in their movements, swaddling can jeopardize their safety. Swaddling is necessary, which prevents your baby from getting stuck in their blanket or suffocating once they wiggle out.


Inherently, we want to see our children grow and change at every stage of their development. It’s important to catch their first bath, first steps, and even their first words. Raising children comes with a myriad of lessons to learn. It’s a difficult task, and we are responsible for our little monsters. 

It’s important to delight in moments of confusion and laugh at ourselves for silly mistakes we make as well as at the incredible beings our kids are becoming. There’s something about the uniqueness of your kiddos that makes them so unique, whether they sleep with their bums in the air or sprawled out like a ragdoll.

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